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Hey I played your other game, Take out the trash, but it doesn't have a place to put a comments and the other game take out the trash I would have said that the game was really good

Wow, thank you so much for letting me know. I didn’t even realize I disabled them. I just re-enabled them!

My computer was spared being smashed into little bitty pieces after the last two levels. I can so though my mind can now float in peace knowing i conquered the float boy. P.S. Sorry for cursing at you so much balloon boy.


They said I was crazy. They called me a madman. For years, I have evaded the temptation of the Apples and Androids of the world to try and live a simple, quaint life with my Nokia 3310. The road was far from easy. I have watched as people have shoved their candy crush's and angry birds in my face. My days became consumed playing Snake in a desperate attempt to trick myself into thinking I too was experiencing peak gaming. I played so much so, my family left me. I was at rock bottom. Was my choice to stick it to the corporate hungry mainstream phones worth this despair? Well look at me now... Now I finally have a game I can brag about. The world is not ready for the hellfire I shall reign down upon it. You may have gotten custody of the kids Rachel but I have singlehandedly beaten all 18 levels! I am no longer a man. No, I am now a floaty boy.  

(1 edit)



The gameplay feels nice and overall the game has a fun idea!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate the feedback